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What’s Happening

Visiting Artist Victor Castro

02/05/14 Orchard Ridge Elementary

Artist Victor Castro visited Orchard Ridge Elementary today! He held several sessions throughout the day and taught us how to create sculptures out of materials that we would otherwise throw away. Students gathered materials that Victor will use in a permanent installation at Meadowood library.

Energy Joke of the Month

01/09/14 Cherokee Heights Middle School

TEACHER: What is the chemical formula for water? SARAH: "HIJKLMNO"! TEACHER: What are you talking about? SARAH: Yesterday you said its H to O!

Last day of Environmental Club!

12/06/13 Hawthorne Elementary

Today was the last day of Environmental Club! The kids chose to spent their hour patrolling the hallways and classrooms in another weekly Power Patrol to remind people about the easy ways we can all save energy! Hopefully all of the positive sticky notes and reminder notes will help Hawthorne save energy next semester too! We identified a few leaking faucets and will check back after winter break to see if they’ve been fixed! We also watched some of "Planet Earth" today, a BBC documentary about our amazing earth!

all-school pledge

11/08/13 Allis Elementary

We wrote and rehearsed an all-school pledge to be taken over the announcements.


11/08/13 Allis Elementary

We designed and made the first team shirt for our people power planet patrol.

patrol duty

11/01/13 Allis Elementary

Our first big patrol together - we visited 3 rooms and evaluated them all for different parts of the new checklist.


02/05/13 Thoreau Elementary

At today

Power Patrol Meeting

03/09/04 Thoreau Elementary

Today we met to talk about the poster contest we will host during Earth Month. We also had time for a Power Patrol!

PPP posters hung up

01/00/04 Orchard Ridge Elementary

A group of students hung posters anouncing the Power Patrol activities.


11/09/02 Emerson Elementary

Emerson’s Walking Club and Power Patrol joined forces for a quick walk to The Goodman Community Center. After studying the massive solar panels used to heat all the water for the building, we enjoyed some tasty bakery from IronWorks Cafe. Check out how sustainable The Goodman Community Center is